School Bus Company Information/Contact Details
If you have any questions about bus travel to/from Rosewood State High School, please contact the appropriate bus company directly and they can assist you.
Bus Queensland - (07) 5465 1797
Servicing Calvert and Grandchester.
Minden Bus Company - (07) 5426 8102
Servicing Walloon, Thagoona, Haigslea and Marburg.
Rosewood Bus and Coach Service (Darren) - (07) 0407 176 067
Servicing Mt Walker and Rosevale.
Fassifern Coaches Bus Services - (07) 5463 1407
Servicing Warrill View, Mutdapilly and Ebenezer
Safe drop off zones
The bus turn around zone directly in front of the Administration building is not a designated drop off/pick up zone for students at any time of the day.
Please safely drop your child/ren in Lanefield Road which runs along the front of the school, avoiding the bus drop off/pick up area.
We appreciate you assistance and support in keeping our students safe!
Train Travel
There is a train station located in Rosewood on Railway St which is approximately a 15 minute walk or 4 minute bike ride to and from Rosewood State High School. There are a number of useful QR links to the right side of this page to assist you with getting started with train travel.