Senior Secondary at Rosewood State High School is designed to provide pathways and promote success for Tertiary Entrance, Vocational Pathways and Queensland Certificate of Education Attainment.
Year 10
Throughout the course of Year 10, students will be exploring Year 10 subject content and knowledge in a Senior context that resembles the Senior Syllabus. Also, students will have the opportunity of starting to bank credits towards their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) by engaging in certificate courses conducted at RSHS, as well as participating in School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SAT).
Year 10 Compulsory Subjects
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
Year 11 and 12
The Year 11 and 12 curriculum provides a number of different pathways for students to pursue their goals. Students must select English and at least one Mathematics subject and then may choose four elective subjects. A large number of academic and vocational subjects are available to support student pathways and success. RSHS also offers a range of tertiary options and a wide selection of SAT opportunities.
Our school vision, "In pursuit of excellence", provides a clear direction for the day to day activities in our school. We aim to enhance relevant and real learning experiences that focus on the individual child and their success whilst creating platforms of learning that are needed in the real world of work and life learning.
Year 11 and 12 Compulsory Subjects
Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments (AARA)
The QCAA recognises that some students may have disability, impairment and/or medical conditions, or experience other circumstances that may be a barrier to their performance in assessment. Access arrangements and reasonable adjustments (AARA) are designed to assist these students. For a quick overview, visit the QCAA website External lin
Learning, Assessment & Reporting Policy